Tag Archives: Stephen Leahy

Methane from fracking could trigger irreversible* change

* UPDATE: With thanks to fellow-blogger Pendantry for alerting me to this video of Guy McPherson (University of Arizona), note that research published in the US Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in 2009 concluded climate change is … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Science, Economics, Energy Crisis, Environment, Ethics, Fossil Fuels, Hydraulic Fracturing, Intergenerational Injustice, Politics | Tagged | 6 Comments

We have the cure for our ailing planet…

…so can we please use it? Here reproduced in full, with the kind permission of the author, is international environmental journalist Stephen Leahy’s prescription to save us all from unintended ecocide – it’s called renewable energy. ————– For an Ailing … Continue reading

Posted in Anthropocene, Climate Science, Energy Crisis, Environment, Fossil Fuels, Insanity, Intergenerational Injustice, Mass Extinctions, Politics, Renewable Energy, Sustainable development | Tagged , , | 12 Comments